Here is a podcast from the Chalcedon Foundation, entitled "Interview with Investigative Journalist Lee Duigon on the Homosexual Brainwashing of Public School Children". It is well worth a listen. One really good point that was raised was that people have the right to be homosexuals, but they do not have the right to force their homosexual agenda on others.
Why are traditional relationships and families coming under increasing attack from Western governments, while at the same time, countless millions of tax-payers dollars are being poured into programs designed to normalise homosexuality and so-called "families" with same-sex "parents". Sex-education has as much a right to be a part of state school curriculum as does creationism for instance (that is, none).
This issue of public schools teaching children to embrace and experiment with homosexuality is yet another example of how the US Government and our own government are using state-schools as their chief means of social engineering. (And that's why they hate home-education)
Let me just say as a disclaimer, I do not hate homosexuals.
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