Monday, 1 September 2008

Blogosphere Expanding

Hah. I thought it would never happen. But a friend who goes under the blogging pseudonym of Gabby, has just joined the blogosphere. Yay!

"As I lay there counting the dust particles swirling throughout a mythical beam of sunlight, I realised that nothing from my own efforts would return me back to the land of nod - and started thinking about creating a blog..." - Constant Joy

If it can escape the the dreaded blog-graveyard, I think this little piece of the internet will be worthy of a bookmark, somewhere near the top of your "gotta sort them out some time" bookmark list in Firefox, or your favourites list in Internet Explorer. Brrrrr, excuse the offensive language.


  1. Is there actually a difference?!? Oh the writing is slightly smaller but apart from that there is no other difference, is there? And Gabby sounds like an excellent person, as she likes smiley faces and all that. Isabella ;)

  2. Hi Isabella. (ahem), yes there is more difference between Firefox and IE than just font-size. It truly is a nightmare trying to make websites run nicely in Firefox and IE. Heheh, and I think you're pretty spot on in your last sentence.


  3. totally. I like smiley faces, so I'm an excellent person too.... right? :)

  4. You're excellent! anyway Lyd!

  5. I have as strong a negative feeling on smiley faces as a certain person has does towards IE. So what sort of a person does that make me?
    And I apologize, Andy, I guess it was my part to educate Izzy about IE.
    Also, have I met this Gabby? I have a notion I know who it is, but I should like confirmation.

  6. Jono if you educate me on IE, be warned I shall educate you on the importance of smiley faces. But I'm likely to anyway so it shan't make a difference. Lydie your an excellent, excellent person. I still can't see much of a difference between them, except for the writing and that there is no tab button on Firefox which is annoying me most greatly. I'm on it at the moment trying to see the difference.
    Isabella :)
    Oh and Jono, not liking smiley faces means you are :(. You can use those if you want! :)

  7. Not liking smiley faces means I am a banana on wheels?

  8. Haha, that names going to stick for a while and no it means your being disagreeable.

  9. hahah, good call Isabella. Let's call Jono :( from now on eh, as long as his vendetta against :)s shall last...

  10. No matter how many smiley faces you draw, you will not drown out the voice of the real words.

    The Banana on Wheels.

  11. No Bananas on wheels we can't voice of real words, we just let our actions or expressions speak for us! Example if I came up to you and said "smile" you would give me one of your looks and think I was compleletly crazy. However, if I smiled you would no I was happy, wouldn't you?
    Andrew his vendetta might last a long time...
    Isabella ;)

  12. knowing Jono, it will be undying...

    ...until something else comes along maybe ;)


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