Monday 24 September 2007


Written ages ago. About 2000. By Andrew Moore

Flicking through the pages of the paper.
Mum saw an ad to excite her,
It in bold writing informed us about,
A fishing day Smiths City would shout
And without loss of time, a tittle jot,
Was written on the calendar whether it liked it or not.

It was going to be at The Avon river.
As The time grew near I gave a little shiver,
Because the day was cold,
It was not until later I discovered it was worth its weight in gold.
We loaded The van with our gear and sped off down the road,
With our ever hopeful load.

A parking spot we nabbed before it was too late.
We pulled out our fishing rods with a slow determined grate,
We filed past a person sitting at a desk in a tent.
Getting enrolled for the fishing as we went,
We found there was going to he halt supplied,
And a sausage sizzle for which I could have died.

After we had found a place we settled down into our chairs.
Hooks baited the fishing began amidst occasional cheers.
With baited hooks flying through the air,
And people fiddling round with fishing gear.
I wandered over to the main Tent where I was told-,
that the largest fish caught would win a bag of gold

I got a sausage after waiting half an hour in a queue,
Then I took my little brother for a walk as something to do.
We went to get our faces painted (I wondered how I would look)
But I soon forgot my worries and sported one colossal hook

We went back to our posy where we resumed the life,
Of a fisherman's fun and strife,
I walked along the bank awhile for some exercise,
When I saw an eel hauled in of gigantic size-
A bit less than a metre long it was, the biggest catch
A size so far that no one else could match

The prize giving was announced, I ran towards the stand,
And wondered who would win the prize grand.
First The spot prices were handed out and that was done,
When a little buy was proclaimed to have won-

A lolly scramble began fists and feet new,
I caught only a few.(of both)
A vague voice on the loud speaker had something to announce,
A trout has just been landed but I heeded that not an ounce,
I knew it couldn't be our fish I just did,
Flailing feet and snatching hands amid,
So I dived in headlong - into the heap,
And fumbled for lollies in bodies deep.

Out of The corner of my eye 1 saw my brother,
Marching through a mass of people, shoving one another.
In his hands he bore a net with - WOWE !
A trout t'would stand half again right up to his knee,
For a moment I was drowned in utter confusion,
And then I knew it was an illusion-

Simon I shouted whose fish have you got.
It's a monstrous magnificent whopper great Scott!
"It's ours I caught it, it went on our hook,"
I pushed up closer To take a look,
It's not ours I told him - the 8th commandment say's not to steal
'I didn't" he told me "Oh what a lovely meal!"

T started to comprehend that this was our trout,
When Dad came along and gave a great shout
The loudspeaker roared come look at the catch,
that absolutely nobody else will match.
Simon stood up high wanted by the lime light,
I got up closer and helped him to skite.

Here you are a big man said here's your prize,
I "thanked him a lot" with a sparkle in my eye,
Two movie tickets and a reel of line,
Thankyou Mr. for your time...
We went to The butchers to get the trout smoked,
We still with amazement almost choked.

Enough is enough so I must end, leaving the story in your head to blend


* The trout weighed over six kilograms
* The Trout was over 800 centimetres long.
* The trout was brown-
* The trout was pulled in with undersized fishing gear,

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