Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Future New Zealand: Larry Baldock & Gordon Copeland


Gordon Copeland has had enough of United Future's spineless vote-grabbing, socialist, Clark-hugging.  It is said that he is soon to announce his resignation from United Future.

If there is one positive outcome of this anti-smacking bill, then it is this.

Larry Baldock, the man behind the Citizens Initiated Referendum asking

Should a smack as a part of good parental discipline be a criminal offence in New Zealand?

Is apparently to team up with Gordon Copeland in starting up a new party, Future New Zealand.

Sorry ACT.  You were the best, but I do have high hopes for this new party.

this from

United Future MP Gordon Copeland is set to quit United Future over the anti-smacking bill.

The decision leaves the government in a precarious situation. The recent defection of Taito Philip Field and now Copeland leaves the government in a true minority.

The resignation means the government is now effectively being governed by the Greens and the Maori Party and every time the government wants to pass legislation it will need either of the party's onboard.

Prime Minister Helen Clark put on a brave face on her way into the debating chamber, saying it is business as usual. She says Copeland has given his assurance he will support the government on Thursday's Budget.

National deputy leader Bill English put Helen Clark on the spot in parliament over the resignation

He questioned whether the coalition between Labour, United Future and New Zealand First, still enables the Prime Minister to confidently claim she commands a majority of the House.

Clark said English's description of the arrangement is incorrect. She said there is no such coalition, rather a government arrangement which rests on two confidence and supply agreements and on an abstention agreement with the Greens.

Helen Clark said that is why the government continues to enjoy the confidence of the House.

Copeland is planning to reform the old Future New Zealand Party with former MP Larry Baldock.

The catalyst for his departure is the anti-smacking bill, which will get its final reading on Wednesday. Both men vehemently oppose the amendment watering down the bill.

Copeland will stay on as an independent

The shock resignation is not sitting well with one of Copeland's two United Future colleagues in Parliament.

MP Judy Turner appeared visibly upset at the decision.

"I am a bit devastated. It is really sad. Twenty-four hours from now you are going to see the impact that three people can have on the outcomes of a government and he is prepared to walk away from that."

Turner and leader Peter Dunne will be the only two remaining United Future MPs in parliament.

Turner said this week she would oppose the anti-smacking bill when it had its final reading in parliament. While she believes the compromise amendment reinforcing discretionary powers for police was a good move she is concerned it doesn't also apply to Child Youth and Family.


  1. Larry is the man!!!! Vote him in|!!

  2. This was well over a year ago now. Sadly, I can't see that either Larry (Tauranga) or the Kiwi Party itself have any hope whatsoever. Even if they did have a chance of getting in, I wouldn't vote for them due to their socialist policies :(


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