Thursday, 16 March 2006

the inaugural post

Hey you guys,

My blogs called TBC.
Give me a yell if you can't work out why...

Here's my first blog (URL below). I started this just before me and my family left New Zealand on a big 6 month OE, around about late Feb, 2005. This blog isn't up to much, and I'll never update it again, but there's a couple of articles of interest perhaps...

and my site:

which, though still enroute to "perfection", may be worth a visit...

to the days.


  1. tbc?

    Taibo Brotherhood of Christchurch?
    the boys club?
    ten big cream-pies?
    turtles beneath criticism?

    help me out here

  2. How about a bit more effort bro. I suggest you stop trying to think so creatively! It's more an abbreviation for a fairly official and commonly used term, often used by those occupying managerial posts.

  3. "Theology by children"?
    Oh I know!
    Time Base Corrector! (

  4. not even close bro. maybe you should consider trying to live just for one day without google. I'm sure our friend Sergey Brin won't be too upset...


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